I'm excited about the Vote In The Hood 2012 Registration Drive because it will allow "ordinary people," in the hood to come out and register to vote; meet local celebs; and hear how their vote will make a difference this upcoming presidential election.  While there are many campaigns and initiatives to encourage people to vote, I think it's important to note that many young adults in lower income areas DO NOT FEEL that their vote makes a difference.  In their opinion, "I'm struggling; I'm hustling and my life will always be this way."  Well, this attitude was not the attitude of Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, or Harriet Tubman.  I know the political process can be a little intimidating, but we all have the power to make a difference.  That's why God created us.  If you haven't registered to vote, come out on 9/28/12!   A vote is a terrible thing to waste.   
9/14/2012 12:26:35 pm

THIS IS A GREAT IDEA! It's very important to keep people informed, especially in our neighborhoods. It's extremely important to provide the tools necessary to get people registered and on their way to participate in this wonderful thing we call democracy.


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